Category 'News'

Give me a call!

I have been open for a month now and…   I LOVE IT!!!   Thank you all for your wonderful support and referrals. I have the best clientele ever!!! Everyone’s first time in, I’m doing $5 off any service and $5 off for any referrals. So give me a call to look beautiful for your Valentines […]


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Getting shot

Well, head shots that is =) Stopped by Vivo Lux in Appleton to get some business head shoots done. Yuun Murphy is a great guy and does amazing work! I highly recommend him for all of your photo needs.


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Getting all settled in

Now that the wall and all the furniture are in the new place, I was able to get all my things in and start making it my own. I look forward to opening soon and being able to serve all my clients even better than before.


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Wall is in, just needs glass

Husband and dad worked all day long today and got the frame all together for the new wall that will close my space in. Next they will cut the glass squares and trim and then do touch up painting and yay, it’s done!


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Working on the new place

Husband picked up the materials for the wall that will close off the space and make it a room instead of a space! Construction will begin this week and I hope to be able to move my stuff in soon and start making the room all mine!  Check back for updates as things change.


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